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France Francs Banknotes
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Country: France
Denomination: 1 franc
Price: $32.00
Catalog #: unlisted
Product ID: 16060601
Year: 15.10.1870
Grade: AU-UNC (borderline uncirculated)
Other Info: Cute Franco-Prussian War era item. SORRY, NOT SHIPPED OUTSIDE THE USA.

Denomination: 5 francs
Price: $3.00
Catalog #: 70
Product ID: 21090604
Year: 1916
Grade: PR (poor)
Other Info: European note. Only in poor condition as torn and taped, but a seldom-seen note. The scan is the one you get (ugly)!

Country: France
Denomination: 50 francs
Price: $47.00
Catalog #: 85b
Product ID: 24040102
Year: 8.2.1940
Grade: VF (Very Fine
Other Info: European banknote. ONLY ONE NOTE AVAILABLE. This is a high-end VF but has been spindled (i. e. stuck on a spindle), leaving a not-too-visible 1/2" tear in the paper near watermark. Still a lovely note really and haven't seen a nicer one for the money lately.

Denomination: 2 francs
Price: $5.00
Catalog #: 114b
Product ID: 17094339
Year: 1944
Grade: EF (extremely fine)
Other Info: WWII Allied military currency. This block #2 - scan is of a P-114a.

Denomination: 2 francs
Price: $7.00
Catalog #: 114a
Product ID: 22070502
Year: 1944
Grade: AU-UNC (borderline uncirculated)
Other Info: WWII Allied military currency (AMC). ONLY 2 PIECES AVAILABLE.

Denomination: 10 francs
Price: $7.00
Catalog #: 116a
Product ID: 21030602
Year: 1944
Grade: EF (extremely fine)
Other Info: WWII Allied military currency (AMC).

Denomination: 10 francs
Price: $10.00
Catalog #: 116a
Product ID: 22062901
Year: 1944
Grade: UNC (uncirculated)
Other Info: WWII Allied military currency (AMC). ONLY ONE PIECE AVAILABLE.

Denomination: 10 francs
Price: $9.00
Catalog #: 116a
Product ID: 23040201
Year: 1944
Grade: AU-UNC (borderline uncirculated)
Other Info: WWII Allied military currency (AMC). Scan is of a similar note. ONLY ONE PIECE AVAILABLE.

Denomination: 50 francs
Price: $11.75
Catalog #: 117a
Product ID: 17092995
Year: 1944
Grade: F-VF (fine to very fine
Other Info: WWII Allied Military Currency.

Denomination: 50 francs
Price: $10.00
Catalog #: 117a
Product ID: 17094749
Year: 1944
Grade: F (fine)
Other Info: WWII Allied Military Currency.

Denomination: 50 francs
Price: $7.00
Catalog #: 122a
Product ID: 21020303
Year: 1944
Grade: VG (very good)
Other Info: WWII Allied Military Currency. Usual pinholes.

Denomination: 100 francs
Price: $10.00
Catalog #: 123
Product ID: 21070501
Year: 1944
Grade: VF (Very Fine
Other Info: WWII Allied Military Currency. VF but some light stains on back - net F. Only one note available, as seen in scan.

Denomination: 100 francs
Price: $8.00
Catalog #: 123
Product ID: 23061702
Year: 1944
Grade: F (fine)
Other Info: WWII Allied Military Currency. F with some toning and stains. ONLY ONE NOTE AVAILABLE in this grade. Scan is of a similar note in higher grade.

Denomination: 20 francs
Price: $10.00
Catalog #: 151b
Product ID: 17094143
Year: 1987
Grade: AU (almost uncirculated)
Other Info: Paper clip indent

Banknote is sold out.
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Denomination: 50 francs
Price: $9.50
Catalog #: 157Ad
Product ID: 24082302
Year: 1997
Grade: F-VF (fine to very fine
Other Info: Colorful and popular note with biplane on back. Image is of a higher-graded and earlier-dated (P-157b) note. The note for sale is dated 1997 and is a P-157Ad.